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公       司:宁波金丰进出口有限公司




介绍:     宁波金丰进出口有限公司以生产经营纺织品(主要包括服装,寝具箱包,针织服装)为主,pu合成革,pvc植绒革,塑料原料,饮料,食品,农副产品,金属及塑料制品等多个行业的具有独立法人资格的专业外贸公司.经过几年的奋力开拓,公司已培养一批富有多年内外贸经验,熟悉进出口业务的专业人才.创建了自己的服装及合成革,植绒革生产加工基地,出口产品远销欧洲、美洲、日本、中东、东南亚等国家和地区,是一家实力雄厚的进出口企业。“追求至善,追求至美"是我们的企业精神,本着"诚信务实,共同发展"的原则,公司与世界众多客商保持良好的贸易往来,在国内外享有良好的声誉.公司始终坚持市场为导向,以贸易为龙头,一业为主,多业并举的发展方向.我们正以饱满的热情,坚定的信心朝着实业化、集团化、网络化、国际化的企业迈进.本公司热情欢迎国内外新老客户与我们展开全方位、多层次的诚信合作。



  • 宁波金丰进出口有限公司2013春夏装 97870 /

    简介:宁波金丰进出口有限公司,地处东海之滨一个充满活力与希望地高速发展中的开放城市--宁波。公司位处宁波市中心,,从公司到机场交通十分宁波金丰进出口有限公司,地处东海之滨一个充满活力与便利与快捷,途经高速公路,同时,宁波得天独厚的地理优势与优秀的进出口与纺织业配套环境优势(濒临上海、杭州、同时宁波北仑港为亚洲最大的深水港之一),使得公司与世界各地的客户之间的业务合作尤其便利、顺畅。 NINGBO  JINFENG  IMP.&EXP.CO., LTD   lies in the center of Ningbo ,which is a vital and prosperous developing coastal city by the East Sea of China. Through a highway the way from the company to the airport is very smooth and convenient.  Meanwhile, the special  geographical condition and the extraordinary complete-set environment for textile industry and Imp.&Exp.trading (Beilun port of Ningbo, next to Shanghai and Ningbo,is one of the largest ports in Asia.)make our trading coorperation with foreign countries more convenient.   目前,我司主要经营各类针织、梭织类服装和各种纺织用品。经过多年的奋力开拓,公司已培养出一批富有多年内外贸经验,熟悉进出口业务的专业人才。创建了自己的服装生产加工基地。出口产品远销欧洲、美洲、日本、中东、东南亚等国家和地区,是一家实力雄厚的进出口企业。 At he moment, our business scope includes garments and ornaments based on knitting and shutting .years steady development helps the company create a batch of specialized employee with rich experience in international trade. Today, we have expanded to fields of HAVC industry, leather, foodstuff, construction material, electronic goods, and hardware etc., in pursuit of building the company into a new generation of aircraft carrier. 象山金丰制衣有限公司,隶属宁波金丰进出口有限公司,座落在东海之滨,针织之乡--象山,是专业生产针织服装的股份制企业。公司现拥有员工600余人,各类专业技术人员80多人;总占地面积32000多平方米,建筑面积13600多平方米。公司拥有织造、染整、成衣一整套先进的生产设备,主要产品有多种面料的T恤、文化衫、绒衫裤、针织运动套装等。经过十余年的不断发展壮大,现已在专业生产针织品的同行中具有较强的实力和领先的地位。 Our own clothing processing base, XiangShan JinFeng Garment Co., Ltd., located in the shore of East-China Sea, the knitting township--XiangShan, is a Joint-venture subjected to Ningbo JinFeng Import and Export Co., Ltd. The factory has 600 workers now, including more than 80 professional and technical personnel, covers an area of 32,000 square meters. It has a whole set of advanced production equipment for weaving, dyeing and processing. The main products include T-shirt, Jersey shi

  • 宁波金丰进出口有限公司2013春夏装 97870 /

    简介:宁波金丰进出口有限公司,地处东海之滨一个充满活力与希望地高速发展中的开放城市--宁波。公司位处宁波市中心,,从公司到机场交通十分宁波金丰进出口有限公司,地处东海之滨一个充满活力与便利与快捷,途经高速公路,同时,宁波得天独厚的地理优势与优秀的进出口与纺织业配套环境优势(濒临上海、杭州、同时宁波北仑港为亚洲最大的深水港之一),使得公司与世界各地的客户之间的业务合作尤其便利、顺畅。 NINGBO  JINFENG  IMP.&EXP.CO., LTD   lies in the center of Ningbo ,which is a vital and prosperous developing coastal city by the East Sea of China. Through a highway the way from the company to the airport is very smooth and convenient.  Meanwhile, the special  geographical condition and the extraordinary complete-set environment for textile industry and Imp.&Exp.trading (Beilun port of Ningbo, next to Shanghai and Ningbo,is one of the largest ports in Asia.)make our trading coorperation with foreign countries more convenient.   目前,我司主要经营各类针织、梭织类服装和各种纺织用品。经过多年的奋力开拓,公司已培养出一批富有多年内外贸经验,熟悉进出口业务的专业人才。创建了自己的服装生产加工基地。出口产品远销欧洲、美洲、日本、中东、东南亚等国家和地区,是一家实力雄厚的进出口企业。 At he moment, our business scope includes garments and ornaments based on knitting and shutting .years steady development helps the company create a batch of specialized employee with rich experience in international trade. Today, we have expanded to fields of HAVC industry, leather, foodstuff, construction material, electronic goods, and hardware etc., in pursuit of building the company into a new generation of aircraft carrier. 象山金丰制衣有限公司,隶属宁波金丰进出口有限公司,座落在东海之滨,针织之乡--象山,是专业生产针织服装的股份制企业。公司现拥有员工600余人,各类专业技术人员80多人;总占地面积32000多平方米,建筑面积13600多平方米。公司拥有织造、染整、成衣一整套先进的生产设备,主要产品有多种面料的T恤、文化衫、绒衫裤、针织运动套装等。经过十余年的不断发展壮大,现已在专业生产针织品的同行中具有较强的实力和领先的地位。 Our own clothing processing base, XiangShan JinFeng Garment Co., Ltd., located in the shore of East-China Sea, the knitting township--XiangShan, is a Joint-venture subjected to Ningbo JinFeng Import and Export Co., Ltd. The factory has 600 workers now, including more than 80 professional and technical personnel, covers an area of 32,000 square meters. It has a whole set of advanced production equipment for weaving, dyeing and processing. The main products include T-shirt, Jersey shi

  • 宁波金丰进出口有限公司2013春夏装 97870 /

    简介:宁波金丰进出口有限公司,地处东海之滨一个充满活力与希望地高速发展中的开放城市--宁波。公司位处宁波市中心,,从公司到机场交通十分宁波金丰进出口有限公司,地处东海之滨一个充满活力与便利与快捷,途经高速公路,同时,宁波得天独厚的地理优势与优秀的进出口与纺织业配套环境优势(濒临上海、杭州、同时宁波北仑港为亚洲最大的深水港之一),使得公司与世界各地的客户之间的业务合作尤其便利、顺畅。 NINGBO  JINFENG  IMP.&EXP.CO., LTD   lies in the center of Ningbo ,which is a vital and prosperous developing coastal city by the East Sea of China. Through a highway the way from the company to the airport is very smooth and convenient.  Meanwhile, the special  geographical condition and the extraordinary complete-set environment for textile industry and Imp.&Exp.trading (Beilun port of Ningbo, next to Shanghai and Ningbo,is one of the largest ports in Asia.)make our trading coorperation with foreign countries more convenient.   目前,我司主要经营各类针织、梭织类服装和各种纺织用品。经过多年的奋力开拓,公司已培养出一批富有多年内外贸经验,熟悉进出口业务的专业人才。创建了自己的服装生产加工基地。出口产品远销欧洲、美洲、日本、中东、东南亚等国家和地区,是一家实力雄厚的进出口企业。 At he moment, our business scope includes garments and ornaments based on knitting and shutting .years steady development helps the company create a batch of specialized employee with rich experience in international trade. Today, we have expanded to fields of HAVC industry, leather, foodstuff, construction material, electronic goods, and hardware etc., in pursuit of building the company into a new generation of aircraft carrier. 象山金丰制衣有限公司,隶属宁波金丰进出口有限公司,座落在东海之滨,针织之乡--象山,是专业生产针织服装的股份制企业。公司现拥有员工600余人,各类专业技术人员80多人;总占地面积32000多平方米,建筑面积13600多平方米。公司拥有织造、染整、成衣一整套先进的生产设备,主要产品有多种面料的T恤、文化衫、绒衫裤、针织运动套装等。经过十余年的不断发展壮大,现已在专业生产针织品的同行中具有较强的实力和领先的地位。 Our own clothing processing base, XiangShan JinFeng Garment Co., Ltd., located in the shore of East-China Sea, the knitting township--XiangShan, is a Joint-venture subjected to Ningbo JinFeng Import and Export Co., Ltd. The factory has 600 workers now, including more than 80 professional and technical personnel, covers an area of 32,000 square meters. It has a whole set of advanced production equipment for weaving, dyeing and processing. The main products include T-shirt, Jersey shi

  • 宁波金丰进出口有限公司2013春夏装 97870 /

    简介:宁波金丰进出口有限公司,地处东海之滨一个充满活力与希望地高速发展中的开放城市--宁波。公司位处宁波市中心,,从公司到机场交通十分宁波金丰进出口有限公司,地处东海之滨一个充满活力与便利与快捷,途经高速公路,同时,宁波得天独厚的地理优势与优秀的进出口与纺织业配套环境优势(濒临上海、杭州、同时宁波北仑港为亚洲最大的深水港之一),使得公司与世界各地的客户之间的业务合作尤其便利、顺畅。 NINGBO  JINFENG  IMP.&EXP.CO., LTD   lies in the center of Ningbo ,which is a vital and prosperous developing coastal city by the East Sea of China. Through a highway the way from the company to the airport is very smooth and convenient.  Meanwhile, the special  geographical condition and the extraordinary complete-set environment for textile industry and Imp.&Exp.trading (Beilun port of Ningbo, next to Shanghai and Ningbo,is one of the largest ports in Asia.)make our trading coorperation with foreign countries more convenient.   目前,我司主要经营各类针织、梭织类服装和各种纺织用品。经过多年的奋力开拓,公司已培养出一批富有多年内外贸经验,熟悉进出口业务的专业人才。创建了自己的服装生产加工基地。出口产品远销欧洲、美洲、日本、中东、东南亚等国家和地区,是一家实力雄厚的进出口企业。 At he moment, our business scope includes garments and ornaments based on knitting and shutting .years steady development helps the company create a batch of specialized employee with rich experience in international trade. Today, we have expanded to fields of HAVC industry, leather, foodstuff, construction material, electronic goods, and hardware etc., in pursuit of building the company into a new generation of aircraft carrier. 象山金丰制衣有限公司,隶属宁波金丰进出口有限公司,座落在东海之滨,针织之乡--象山,是专业生产针织服装的股份制企业。公司现拥有员工600余人,各类专业技术人员80多人;总占地面积32000多平方米,建筑面积13600多平方米。公司拥有织造、染整、成衣一整套先进的生产设备,主要产品有多种面料的T恤、文化衫、绒衫裤、针织运动套装等。经过十余年的不断发展壮大,现已在专业生产针织品的同行中具有较强的实力和领先的地位。 Our own clothing processing base, XiangShan JinFeng Garment Co., Ltd., located in the shore of East-China Sea, the knitting township--XiangShan, is a Joint-venture subjected to Ningbo JinFeng Import and Export Co., Ltd. The factory has 600 workers now, including more than 80 professional and technical personnel, covers an area of 32,000 square meters. It has a whole set of advanced production equipment for weaving, dyeing and processing. The main products include T-shirt, Jersey shi




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