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公       司:无锡市克林防静电服装有限公司




介绍:     无锡市克林防静电服装有限公司,最早是电子工业部定点生产防静电净化服的专业工厂,也是首批获得国家劳动部颁发的全国工业产品生产许可证的厂家之一。公司依靠国际一流的导电纤维,依靠无锡得天独厚的纺、织、染方面的优势,依靠同大专院校和科研院所的合作,把公司产品做专、做精。公司生产的防静电工作服连续多年达到国家安全生产监督管理局A级产品。产品远销日本、新加坡以及国内二十多个省、市、自治区。2002年,公司又通过了ISO9001-2000《质量管理体系--要求》标准,使企业内部管理又上一个新的台阶。最近,公司又获得了自营进出口权。公司将本着安全防护第一、薄利多销的原则,热忱为国内外用户服务。



  • 无锡市克林防静电服装有限公司2013春夏装 97103 /

    简介:Wuxi Clean Antistatic Clothing Co., Ltd is formerly specialized electrostatic-proof cleanse clothes producing factory designated by Ministry of Electric Industry, and one of the first factories awarded license for industrial products by State Ministry of Labor. Taking advantage of state-of-the-art electric fibre, advantageous industries of spinning, weaving and dyeing in Wuxi, collaboration with universities, colleges and scientific research institutes, the company excels in producing specialized and exquisite products. The electrostatic-proof working suit is given credit of A level product by the State Administration of Work Safety for years and is sold as far as Japan, Singapore and more than 20 domestic provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. In 2002 the company passed the standards set in ISO9001-2000 Quality Management System—Requirements, and the internal management has entered into a new phase. Recently, the company obtained self-operation export and import right. Adhering to the principle of safety and protection as top priority, small profit while quick turnover, the company will provide committed service to the widest customers.

  • 无锡市克林防静电服装有限公司2013春夏装 97103 /

    简介:Wuxi Clean Antistatic Clothing Co., Ltd is formerly specialized electrostatic-proof cleanse clothes producing factory designated by Ministry of Electric Industry, and one of the first factories awarded license for industrial products by State Ministry of Labor. Taking advantage of state-of-the-art electric fibre, advantageous industries of spinning, weaving and dyeing in Wuxi, collaboration with universities, colleges and scientific research institutes, the company excels in producing specialized and exquisite products. The electrostatic-proof working suit is given credit of A level product by the State Administration of Work Safety for years and is sold as far as Japan, Singapore and more than 20 domestic provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. In 2002 the company passed the standards set in ISO9001-2000 Quality Management System—Requirements, and the internal management has entered into a new phase. Recently, the company obtained self-operation export and import right. Adhering to the principle of safety and protection as top priority, small profit while quick turnover, the company will provide committed service to the widest customers.

  • 无锡市克林防静电服装有限公司2013春夏装 97103 /

    简介:Wuxi Clean Antistatic Clothing Co., Ltd is formerly specialized electrostatic-proof cleanse clothes producing factory designated by Ministry of Electric Industry, and one of the first factories awarded license for industrial products by State Ministry of Labor. Taking advantage of state-of-the-art electric fibre, advantageous industries of spinning, weaving and dyeing in Wuxi, collaboration with universities, colleges and scientific research institutes, the company excels in producing specialized and exquisite products. The electrostatic-proof working suit is given credit of A level product by the State Administration of Work Safety for years and is sold as far as Japan, Singapore and more than 20 domestic provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. In 2002 the company passed the standards set in ISO9001-2000 Quality Management System—Requirements, and the internal management has entered into a new phase. Recently, the company obtained self-operation export and import right. Adhering to the principle of safety and protection as top priority, small profit while quick turnover, the company will provide committed service to the widest customers.

  • 无锡市克林防静电服装有限公司2013春夏装 97103 /

    简介:Wuxi Clean Antistatic Clothing Co., Ltd is formerly specialized electrostatic-proof cleanse clothes producing factory designated by Ministry of Electric Industry, and one of the first factories awarded license for industrial products by State Ministry of Labor. Taking advantage of state-of-the-art electric fibre, advantageous industries of spinning, weaving and dyeing in Wuxi, collaboration with universities, colleges and scientific research institutes, the company excels in producing specialized and exquisite products. The electrostatic-proof working suit is given credit of A level product by the State Administration of Work Safety for years and is sold as far as Japan, Singapore and more than 20 domestic provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. In 2002 the company passed the standards set in ISO9001-2000 Quality Management System—Requirements, and the internal management has entered into a new phase. Recently, the company obtained self-operation export and import right. Adhering to the principle of safety and protection as top priority, small profit while quick turnover, the company will provide committed service to the widest customers.




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